Announcement: 2025 Rhodes Academy Session
The 2025 session of the Rhodes Academy is scheduled to take place June 22-July 11, 2025.
The Rhodes Academy of Oceans Law and Policy is an international collegial institution dedicated to fostering a better understanding of the modern law of the sea. Through education on the principles of contemporary oceans law and policy, the Rhodes Academy seeks to promote adherence to the rule of law in the world's oceans. Founded in 1995, the Academy held its inaugural session in the summer of 1996 and operates on an annual basis.
The Rhodes Academy is a cooperative undertaking by international law experts and sponsoring universities and institutions. The current Directors are Robert Beckman, Centre for International Law, National University of Singapore (Singapore); Tomas Heidar, Law of the Sea Institute of Iceland (Reykjavik, Iceland); John Norton Moore, Professor Emeritus, University of Virginia (Charlottesville, Virginia, USA); Alex Oude Elferink, Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea, Utrecht University (Utrecht, the Netherlands); Nikos Skourtos, Aegean Institute of the Law of the Sea and Maritime Law (Rhodes, Greece); and Rüdiger Wolfrum, Max Planck Foundation for International Peace and the Rule of Law (Heidelberg, Germany). The School of Marine Science and Ocean Engineering at the University of New Hampshire (USA), the Korea Maritime Institute (Busan, Korea) and the Ankara University National Center for the Sea and Maritime Law (Ankara, Turkey) are associate sponsors. For many years the International Seabed Authority has provided science scholarships for developing country students. Myron Nordquist, former Associate Director of the Center for Oceans Law and Policy, coordinates the substantive portions of the Rhodes Academy while staff attend to administrative arrangements. Administrative activities outside Rhodes are managed by Judy Ellis, the School of Marine Science and Ocean Engineering at the University of New Hampshire, while Spiros Loupis at the Aegean Institute coordinates local arrangements in Rhodes.
About the Program
The Academy entails an intensive, three-week course of study, with lectures by leading jurists, practitioners, and international law faculty from around the world. Although it is a single course of study, the program is divided into two distinct units. The first two weeks focus on the foundations of modern oceans law, recent developments, and an overview of the 1982 United Nations Conference of the Law of the Sea. In the second week, several short courses address specific topics under the rubric of oceans law and policy. The third week typically focuses on an issue of current concern to the international community. Passing an optional examination enables students to receive a diploma from the Rhodes Academy.
In comments prepared for the inaugural session of the Rhodes Academy, United Nations Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali said, "The objective of your academy, fostering a better understanding of the law of the sea, is one to which the United Nations has dedicated itself almost since its inception. The success of the Academy is therefore of particular interest to the United Nations. . . . The exchange of ideas and other forms of cooperation between the United Nations and the Academy should serve our common purpose of fostering a better understanding of the law of the sea."
The student body of the Rhodes Academy is kept relatively small to allow for maximum interaction among students and lecturers. The distinguished international faculty and diverse student body are strengths of the Academy, bringing together different perspectives on global and regional issues. These elements make the Rhodes Academy a unique educational opportunity, and facilitate a more comprehensive understanding of the principles of oceans law and policy as reflected in the practice of States, the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and a myriad of related international agreements.
Scholarships/Financial Aid
The great majority of students are self-paying. The Academy has a small number of scholarships available that are offered based on high academic merit and financial need. The scholarships are extremely competitive due to the many requests received for each session. Virtually all of the few scholarships are designated by their grantees for applicants from developing nations. Students are urged to make every effort to secure their own funding in advance. Requests for financial aid considerations should be indicated in your application.
There is an annual scholarship sponsored by the International Cable Protection Committee for the best written paper on a submarine cable topic. The winner is awarded a full scholarship to the Rhodes Academy (alumni receive a cash prize): ICPC Writing Award
How to Apply
The 2025 session of the Rhodes Academy of Oceans Law and Policy has been scheduled for June 22-July 11, 2025. Application deadline: April 22, 2025
Application (fillable PDF)
Rhodes Reference Letter Form: PDF or Word
The Rhodes Academy general information booklet and 2025 schedule are available.
The attendance fee for 2025 is $1,995 USD. The fee includes all course material. There is no additional tuition fee. Payment in full is due no later than 2 June. No refunds will be given after 2 June.
Further inquiries can be sent to Ms. Judy Ellis at or Mr. Spiros Loupis at
A distinguished faculty has taught at the Rhodes Academy over the past 25 years. The faculty has been selected from over 16 different nationalities and its expertise is deep as well as wide ranging. The following is an alphabetical listing of the current participating lecturers:
Professor Yücel Acer
Member, Board of Directors, National Center for the Sea and Maritime Law (DEHUKAM), Ankara University, Turkey
Professor Pierre d’Argent
University of Louvain; Special Counsel for Foley Hoag
Ambassador David Balton
Senior Fellow, Polar Institute, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Professor Emeritus Robert Beckman
Head, Ocean Law and Policy Programme, Centre for International Law (CIL), National University of Singapore
Mr. Kent Bressie, Esq.
Partner at Harris, Wiltshire & Grannis LLP, Washington, DC
Associate Professor Maria Gavouneli
National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
H.E. Tomas H. Heidar
President, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea; Director, Law of the Sea Institute, Iceland
H.E. Albert J. Hoffmann
Former President, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
H.E. María Teresa Infante Caffi
Judge, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
Counsellor Alexandros Kolliopoulos
Legal Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Greece
Professor Nil Kula Değirmenci
Member, Board of Directors, National Center for the Sea and Maritime Law (DEHUKAM), Ankara University, Turkey
Ambassador Rena Lee
Ambassador for the Oceans, Singapore; Former President of the BBNJ Conference
Professor Ronán Long
Director, WMU-Sasakawa Global Ocean Institute
Youna Lyons
Senior Research Fellow, Centre for International Law (CIL), National University of Singapore
Mr. Lawrence Martin, Esq.
Partner, Foley Hoag, Washington, DC
Dr. Larry Mayer
Director, Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping/Joint Hydrographic Center, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH
Fernanda Millicay, Minister Plenipotentiary
Argentine Embassy to the United Kingdom
Professor Alina Miron
University of Angers, Centre Jean Bodin - Recherche Juridique et politique
Professor Erik Molenaar
Deputy Director, Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea
Professor Emeritus John Norton Moore
Former Director, Center for Oceans Law & Policy, University of Virginia
Professor Nilüfer Oral
Director, Centre for International Law (CIL), National University of Singapore
Professor Alex Oude Elferink
Director, Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea (NILOS)
Professor Bernard Oxman
University of Miami Law School
H.E. Jin-Hyun Paik
Former President, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
Professor Anna Petrig
Chair of International Law and Public Law, University of Basel in Switzerland
Professor Clive Schofield
Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security (ANCORS), University of Wollongong
Minister Counsellor Maria Telalian
Legal Advisor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Greece
Professor Emeritus Tullio Treves
State University of Milan; former Judge, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
Professor Seline Trevisanut
Utrecht University; Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea (NILOS)
H.E. Rüdiger Wolfrum
Former President, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea; Honorary Director, Max Planck Foundation for International Peace and the Rule of Law, Heidelberg, Germany
- Who should apply to the Rhodes Academy of Law and Policy? The RA is geared toward young professionals either working on LOS issues for governments or in academic settings such as pursing a doctoral degree.
- Should I apply if I do not have a legal studies or law background? The RA is for both ocean law and ocean policy scholars. Each applicant is evaluated on an individual basis and applicants are advised to spell out in their application the benefits of being admitted to the RA. Individuals with a specialization in marine science who have some background in oceans law or policy may also apply (see #4 below).
- How much does it cost to attend?
- The 2025 attendance fee is USD $ 1,995. There is no additional tuition fee.
- Students also pay for their hotel lodging. In 2024 the three-week (20 nights) hotel package, which includes daily breakfast and dinner, costs approximately €2,100 or USD $2300 for a private room (single) or about €1,350 or USD $1475 per person for a shared double room. Additional meals, nights, and all personal items are at student expense.
- Round-trip transportation to Rhodes, Greece.
- Are there scholarships, and who is eligible for them?
- The great majority of students are self-paying. A limited number of partial scholarships are offered based on high academic merit and financial need (indicate request in your application). The number of scholarships varies from year to year. Virtually all of the few scholarships are designated by their grantees for capacity building in developing nations.
- There is an annual scholarship sponsored by the International Cable Protection Committee for the best written paper on a submarine cable topic.
- What are the language requirements? Proficiency in English is required. All classes and the examinations are in English. English is widely spoken in Rhodes, so knowledge of Greek is not necessary.
- If accepted, what will I need to bring with me for my studies?
- A laptop or tablet computer.
- A personal copy of the paperback The Law of the Sea—United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and Agreement relating to the Implementation of Part XI of the Convention on the Law of the Sea with Index (ISBN 92-1-133522-1). It can be ordered from booksellers such as (Course materials on a USB flash drive are provided upon arrival at no additional cost.)
Rhodes Academy Participants by Country 1996-2024
(1,135 alumni from 128 countries)
Tatjana Hema (2006)
Eris Hysi (2009)
Ledia Hysi (1998)
Suela S. Ibrahimi (2000)
Evis Karandrea (1999)
Gentiana Mburimi (1999)
Inida Methoxha (2008)
Agustela Nini (2001)
Anila K. Premti (1996)
Amor Abada (1999)
Ahmed Chemaa (1999)
Dagoberto Astudillo (2024)
Josefina Bunge (2007)
Jorge E. Cabrera-Torelli (1996)
Alejandro Canio (2008)
Guillermo Anibal Fonseca Atrio (2018)
Juan Galindo Roldan (2019)
Silvia Gonzalez Napolitano (2001)
María Goya (2022)
Erica Lucero (2010)
Rodolfo Lucero (2013)
Ariel Martins Mogo (2014)
Fernanda Millicay (2004)
Cynthia Mulville (2009)
Florencia Otero (2022)
Juan Pablo Paniego (2012)
Lucia Raffin (2016)
Nicolas Rantica (2008)
Ada Sanchez Echevarria (2024)
Paula Vernet (2009)
Alejandro Villaverde (2015)
Carla Yacomini (2009)
Julieta Abgaryan (2013)
Anna Khachatryan (2001)
Ani Simonyan (2007)
Suzanne Akila (2019)
Frances Anggadi (2017)
Lauren Burke (2022)
Joska Ferencz (2013)
Kim Friedman (2019)
Camille Goodman (2015)
Benjamin Huntley (2019)
Katy Lin (2009)
Nicole Lyas (2018)
Holly Matley (2017)
Millicent McCreath (2017)
Cassandra Mogg (1996)
Kate Orange (2023)
Sue Robertson (2010)
Sophie Ryan (2022)
Zoe Scanlon (2016)
Shawn Stanley (2011)
Liesl Tziolis (2024)
Francisco Blaha (2022)
Bianca Haas (2023)
Sabine Knapp (2018)
Barbara Schwaiger (2011)
Katrin Tiroch (2010)
Ruslan Allahverdi Aliyev (1999)
Vuqar C. Hajiyev (2002)
Natig Hasanov (2024)
Ingrid Cooper-Brooks (2012)
Odecca Gibson (2010)
Bridget McKay (2008)
Craig Wayne Powell (2014)
Melisa Wright (2011)
Mohammed Al-Assam (1996)
Mohammad Khorshed Khastagir (2009)
Valentina Blackman (1996)
Aleeza Moseley (2009)
Derrick F. P. Oderson (2000)
Rafael Quiroz Vera (2013)
Antoine Misonne (2016)
Koen Van den Bossche (2003)
Barbara Boechat de Almeida (2014)
Julia Cirne Lima Weston (2022)
Luciana Fernandes Coelho (2018)
Daniela Diz (2009)
Euclydes Antônio dos Santos Filho (2008)
Natália Frozel Barros (2016)
Kaiser Goncalves de Souza (1996)
Fabio Hazin (2010)
Flavia Lucerna Fredou (2024)
Alexandre Luiz Pereira da Silva (2014)
Gisele Elias Porto Santoro (1998)
Ana Carolina Santos Surgik (2000)
Brunei Darussalam
Helyati Mahmud Saedon (2013)
Nooraslena Sallehuddin (2017)
Evelina Ananieva (2012)
Dimana Dramova (2005)
Valentin Hadjiev (1997)
Miroslava Iordanova (2003)
Elena Ivanova (2015)
Marian V. Lozanov (1998)
Anna Mihneva Natova (2002)
Emilena Popova (2006)
Rossitsa Savova (2002)
Dilyan Stalev (2016)
Boyana S. Trifonova (2004)
Velina Valcheva (2022)
Maya Voynova (1997)
Rumiana Yotova (2007)
Dara In (2014)
Sok Khavan (2013)
Hang Chuon Naron (2012)
Atangana Fouda Ignace Blaise (2009)
Oumarou Danzouma (2004)
Agnes M. V. Ebo’o (2002)
Christophe Ekomo (2007)
Hervé Mbida (2009)
Medina Noah (2009)
Atonfack Guemo Cyrille Serge (2008)
Etakong Tabeyang (2019)
James Baker (2011)
Michelle Campbell (2017)
Kristine Gu (2019)
Anna-Maria Hubert (2010)
Cameron Jefferies (2013)
Patrice Laquerre (2010)
Keith Lewis (2006)
Allison Mitchell (2018)
Seamus Ryder (2013)
Allison J. Saunders (2001)
Renée Sauvé (2022)
Samuel Stephenson (2008)
Caterina Ventura (2007)
Albert Vlodder (2024)
Cape Verde
António João Nascimento (2003)
Cristina Pereira (2003)
Daniela Arrese (2013)
Mariana Durney (2010)
Mauricio Galvez (2013)
Marco García León (2023)
José Javier Gorostegui Obanoz (2008)
Ralph Loren Eisendecher (2024)
Jeremias Manzur-Sottile (2011)
Maria Riesco (2017)
Pedro Pablo Silva (2023)
Osvaldo Urrutia Silva (2012)
Jiayu Bai (2009)
Yongsheng Cai (2017)
Jianzhong Chen (2016)
Li Chen (2014)
Zhang Dan (2010)
Guanghe Fu (2005)
Jungfeng Gu (2007)
Nong Hong (2006)
Cheng Jiachuan (1996)
Zhaoyan Jiang (2011)
Tang Jianye (2008)
Liang Jinzhe (1997)
Minmin Lei (2022)
Bingzhuo Li (2018)
Lingqun Li (2014)
Xuexia Liao (2018)
Yulu Liu (2024)
Yunwei Liu (2019)
Mingfei Ma (2015)
Liu Nengye (2008)
Jun Qiu (2009)
Zhen Sun (2012)
Yapiong Suo (2009)
Guanyu Wang (2010)
Lin Wang (2009)
Lu Ji Wu (2006)
Zhang Xiaoli (2001)
Muzi Xu (2017)
Xiangxin Xu (2017)
Yan Yan (2012)
Yingying Yan (2004)
Xiaoning Yang (2018)
Jiao Yongke (1997)
Baoying Zhu (2007)
Ling Zhu (2003)
Hermann León Rincón (2010)
Alonso Lozada De La Cruz (2000)
Javier Plata Gonzalez (2003)
Martha Pinilla (2001)
Cook Islands
Alexandrya Herman (2013)
Costa Rica
Georgina Guillén-Grillo (2014)
Nicolás Boeglin Naumovic (1998)
Iva Kocijan (2008)
Loris Rak (2009)
Trpimir M. Sosic (2000)
Igor Vio (1999)
Snježana Žaric (2013)
Emil Sirgado Diaz (2005)
Stelios Christodoulidis (1997)
Nicholas Ioannides (2015)
Maria Pilikou (2015)
Marina Spiliotopoulou (1996, 2000)
Czech Republic
Katerina Walkerova (2019)
Jes Andersen (2017)
Jesper Stig Andersen (2016)
Christian Engedal (2023)
Kasper Jespersen (2011)
Henning Knudsen (2013)
Rikke Nielsen (2011)
Sofie Quist (2024)
Jacob Rasmussen (2010)
Birgitta Maria Sander Hjortsø (2008)
Inge Thaulow (2015)
Nikolaj West (2015)
Adam August Worm (2004)
Birger Worm (2009)
Abbas Daher Djama (2019)
Dominican Republic
Fernando Cabrera Diaz (2015)
Tahiana Vargas (2011)
Vanessa Arellano (2023)
Arturo Cabrera (1997)
Cristina Camacho (2005)
Juan M. Escalante (2000)
Patricio Troya Suarez (2014)
Helena del Carmen Yanez-Loza (2012)
Engy Awad (2023)
Yousra Ebada (2009)
Sherif Issa (1997)
Abdin Kandil (1996)
Lamiaa Ismail Mohamedein (2009)
Mahmoud S. Samy (2005)
Nehal Shamseldin (2009)
Ahmed Thabit (2000)
El Salvador
Tomas Flores (2001)
Samson Tsegay Tesfamichael (1996)
Paul Keres (2005)
Irina Nossova (2009)
Agnes Pilv (2009)
Endalew Enyew (2015)
Tekola Takele Workineh (1997)
Faroe Islands (Denmark)
Martin Joensen (2013)
Kevin Chand (2015)
Emily Cikamatana (2022)
Epeli Maisema (2012)
Ratu Sainivalati S. Navoti (2006)
Gaetan Balan (2015)
Sophie Cuenot (2014)
Eglantine Cujo (2016)
Julien Defurne (2019)
Isabelle Delatour (2015)
Marie-Laure Derivery (1997)
Thomas Garancher (1998)
Marie Houdart (2022)
Catherine Kosma (2002)
Alice Leonard de Juvigny (2015)
Rachel Lucas (2023)
Youna Lyons (2012)
Elise Mangeot-Lerebours (2000)
Manon Rosenthal (2024)
Charlotte Jolie Salpin (2008)
Solange Teles da Silva (1998)
Yann Tephany (2015)
Pierre Thévenin (2023)
French Polynesia (France)
Tekau Frere (2016)
Jabbi Lamin (1999)
Valerian Bodaveli (2005)
Mariam Ioseliani (2007)
Giorgi Kobakhidze (2017)
Shalva Kvinikhidz (2001)
Kristina Rzgoeva (2018)
Nikoloz Tsiklauri (1998)
Levan Tsurtsumia (2006)
Emma Bartmann (2024)
Eva Boschen (2010)
Mara Alin Brinker (2024)
Nils Carstensen (2001)
Marianna Dänner (2023)
Alexander Ehrle (2012)
Dorota Jadwiga Englender (2014)
Johannes Fuchs (2011)
Jenny Grote (2009)
Deniz Guner (2004)
Daniel Kachelriess (2018)
Patrick Kuebart (2015)
Klaus Leismüller (2017)
Matthias Maier (2015)
Nele Matz (2000)
Philipp M. Neuhaus (2000)
Philipp Nickels (2019)
Marco Nielebock (2006)
Julia Pfeil (2003)
Moritz Pollack (2022)
Jana K. Ruffman (1998)
Kai Truempler (2004)
Alexandra Zervos (1996)
Audrey Abayena (2016)
Victor Appeah (2011, 2024)
Barbara Serwaa Asamoah (2014)
Lawrence Asangongo Apaalse (2014)
Mawuse Vormawor (2015)
Karen Samuel (2004)
Maria Alerta (2004)
Helen Alexiou (2003)
Chris Alexopoulou (2004)
Niki Aloupi (2005)
Michail Angelopoulos (2014)
Dimitrios Angelosopoulos (2013)
Eleni Antoniadou (2013)
Antonis Antonopoulos (2011)
Marina Antonopoulou (2017)
Thomas Avgeris (2003)
Nikoleta Avramidou (2023)
Danai Azaria (2004)
Konstantina Botsiou (1998)
Valasia Boulaki (2003)
Tilemachos Bourtzis (2012)
Asterios Bouzias (2022)
Athina Chanaki (2017)
Evanthia Chatziliasi (2001)
Maria Diagouma (2015)
Marianthi Dertouzou (1999)
Eleni Deveraki (2003)
Ioannis Ferentinos (2012)
Maria Gavouneli (1996)
Eleni Georgopoulou (2013)
Aliki Gkana (2023)
Elena Janniki (2002)
Athanasios Kafkalidis (2019)
Alexandra Kampyli (2007)
Christina-Vasiliki Kanellopoulou (2010)
Persefoni Karanika (2010)
Christos Kastrisios (2015)
Sofia Kokkini (1998)
Alexandros Kolliopoulos (2016)
Konstantina Kolliopoulou (2004)
Anastasios Konstantaras (2014)
Sophia Kopela (2007)
Ioannis Konstantinidis (2009)
Eleni Kotsiyanni (1997)
Sevastianos Kourkoulos (2004)
Christos Ioannis Lamprou (2008)
Petros Liakouras (1996, 1997)
Glykeria Louka (1999)
Agathangelos Loukomites (2002)
Irene-Sevasti Louppi (2002)
Konstantinos Maistrellis (2001)
Aris-Georges Marghelis (2014)
David Marinis (2018)
Eleni Marinou (1997)
Paresa Markianidou (2005)
Sophia Ounanian (2001)
Evrykleia Panagiotou (2011)
Fotini Pantelidou (2002)
Eirini Pantzou (2001)
Artemisia Papadaki (2009)
Efrosini Papageorgiou (2005)
Marios Papandreou (2008)
Kalliopi Papapavlou (1997)
Efthymios Papastavridis (2006)
Elena Paraskevas-Thadani (1998)
Charikleia Perri (2023)
Lydia Pnevmaticou (2012)
Paraskevi Renta (2004)
Gerasimos Rodotheatos (2011)
Constantinos Salonidis (2006)
Alexandros Sarris (2011)
Ioannis P. Sasopoulos (2005)
Henrietta Scalieris (1996)
Aphrodite Tarassidou (1997)
Dimitra Tenta (2010)
Olga Theodoroglou (2012)
Vasilis Triantafillos (2002)
George Trichilis (1998)
Constantine Tsagaris (2002)
Maria Tsagkari (2002)
Lemonia Tsaroucha (2007)
Nikolaos Tsokanas (2003)
Ekaterini Tzouni (2000)
Christina Valassopoulou (2015)
Nicolas Vassilakis (2010)
Georgia Veldeki (2016)
George Vlazakis (2008)
Maria Zachariades (2011)
Ioanna Zacharopoulou (2013)
Maria Ziouva (2024)
Elias N. Zoidis (2000)
Greenland (Denmark)
Maliina Lyberth (2016)
Lesther Antonio Ortega Lemus (2008)
Shiraz Mohammad (2007)
Asha Singh (2009)
Sofia Cerna (2009)
Octavio P. Espinoza (1996)
Ildikó Ernszt (2004)
Snjólaug Árnadóttir (2014)
Hrannar Már Ásgeirsson (2018)
Helga Bardadóttir (2016)
Brynhildur Benediktsdóttir (2013)
Íris Bjargmundsdóttir (2014)
Sesselja Bjarnadóttir (2014)
Aevar Bjornsson (2009)
Eythor Bjornsson (2016)
Thorbjorn Bjornsson (2012)
Finnur Thor Birgisson (2006)
Agnar Bragason (2015)
Birgir Buason (2012)
Gudrun Eyjolfsdóttir (2005)
Sigrídur Eyjolfsdóttir (2008)
Glóey Finnsdóttir (2013)
Gardar Forberg (2024)
Gunnlaugur Geirsson (2016)
Gylfi Geirsson (2015)
Gísli Gíslason (2023)
Helgi Gretarsson (2017)
Margrét Guðlaugsdóttir (2010)
Sigurdur Orn Gudleifsson (2003)
Helga Gudmundsdóttir (2015)
Valgerdur Gudmundsdóttir (2011)
Gudni Gunnarsson (2006)
Hrund Hafsteinsdóttir (2015)
Helga Hauksdóttir (2008)
Kristjan Helgason (2011)
Aslaug Holmgeirsdóttir (2011)
Hreinn Hrafankelsson (2008)
William Huntingdon-Williams (2010)
Björgólfur Helgi Ingason (2017)
Anna Jóhannsdóttir (2022)
Aron Jóhannsson (2022)
Arni Jónasson (2009)
Hendrik Jonsson (2023)
Petur Mar Jonsson (2005)
Thor Jonsson (2011)
Erna Jónsdóttir (2017)
Soley Kaldal (2017)
Hrefna Karlsdóttir (2007)
Sigurdur Steinar Ketilsson (2005)
Gudridur Kristjansdóttir (2003)
Lisa Anne Libungan (2019)
Pétur Dam Liefsson (2013)
Ingiridur Ludviksdóttir (2007)
Bjarni Mar Magnusson (2005)
Hallveig Olafsdóttir (2024)
Eggert Ólafsson (2008)
Hugi Ólafsson (2019)
Lárus Ólafsson (2007)
Inga Thorey Oskarsdóttir (2017)
Heidrun Palsdóttir (2011)
Matthias Geir Palsson (2004)
Svava Pétursdóttir (2018)
Elin Ragnarsdóttir (2022)
Njáll Ragnarsson (2023)
Bjarni Richter (2007)
Asdis Rögnvaldsdóttir (2009)
Iris Saemundsdóttir (2010)
Gudmundur Siemsen (2002)
Dagmar Sigurdardóttir (2019)
Sesselja Sigurdardóttir (2012)
Agust Sigurdsson (2003)
Sigríður Skaftadóttir (2023)
Arnór Snæbjörnsson (2013)
Jón Stefánsson (2022)
Anna Pala Sverrisdóttir (2012)
Sigríður Ragna Sverrisdóttir (2008)
Bjarki Thorsson (2022)
Thorvardur Thorsson (2024)
Fanney Ros Thorsteinsdóttir (2004)
Ragnar Thorvardarson (2018)
Kolfinna Tomasdóttir (2024)
Anna Katrin Vilhjalmsdóttir (2004)
Kjartan Vihjalmsson (2002)
Thorvaldur Hrafn Yngvason (2014)
Sunil Kumar Agarwal (2005)
Mohammad Reza Dabiri (2000)
Siddharth Gyaltsen (1996)
Aditya Kanuparthi (2023)
Sindhura Polepalli (2017)
G. Venkatesh Rao (2004)
Bhanu Krishna Kiran Ravella (1998)
Sanjeet Ruhal (2016)
Anjali Sugadev (2015)
Suprita Suman (2023)
Siddharth Shekhar Yadav (2019)
Aisyah Allamanda (2015)
Leonardo Bernard (2011)
Muhammad Burhanudin Borut (2018)
Ajar Buditama (2017)
Djoko Hartoyo (2009)
Dita Liliansa (2019)
Rezal Akbar Nasrun (1997)
Taufik Rachmat Nugraha (2023)
Haryo Nugroho (2010)
Gulardi Nurbintoro (2015)
Rike W. Octaviana (2013)
Aditya Salim (2016)
Rayyanul Sangadji (2011)
Rusmana Sayidin (2008)
Desiree Simandjuntak (2015)
Jaya Wijaya (2005)
Abadi Yanto (2004)
Kamran Hashemi (2003)
Izildo Ferreira (2008)
Nicola King (2005)
Barry Lennon (2024)
Ronán Long (2001)
Brian McGarry (2012)
Alain Murphy (2007)
Michelle Eva Portman (2014)
Yael Teff-Seker (2014)
Gemma Andreone (1998)
Stella Bartolini Cavicchi (2024)
Marco Boccia (2009)
Ariana Broggiato (2006)
Stefano Brugnatelli (2009)
Andrea Cannone (1997)
Sara Del Bene (2004)
Sarah Fagnani (2011)
Andrea Fusaro (2004)
Pierandrea Leucci (2019)
Emilia Magrone (1998)
Daniele Mandrioli (2019)
Monica Migliarotti (1996)
Eleonora Panella (2014)
Irini Papanicolopulu (1999, 2001)
Elisa Ronchetti (2005)
Seline Trevisanut (2009)
Ivory Coast
Lazare Abe (2009)
Chantal Bennett (2016)
Hazel Edwards (2010)
Stephanie Forte (2019)
O’Neal Francis (2009)
Rochelle Lee (2018)
David A. Prendergast (1996)
Shorna-Kay Richards (2014)
Stacy-Ann Robinson (2009)
Kentaro Furuya (2011)
Naoko Hirai (1997)
Yuta Kusano (2016)
Fumie Shahana (2004)
Tsubasa Yamada (2018)
Daniel Kottut (2001)
Stella Kerubo Orina (2009)
Barako Qatamur (2023)
James Ndirangu Waweru (2018)
Korea, Republic of
JangHyun An (2014)
Ji-l Cho (2011)
Yungsok Choe (2013)
Chong-ok Choi (1997)
Hyun-Joo Choi (2001)
Jee Hyun Choi (2016)
Young-in Choi (2018)
Jaemin Choung (2013)
Jiye Gwon (2022)
Deukhoon “Peter” Han (2013)
Jenna Ho (2004)
Dawoon Jung (2022)
Sunghee Jung (2001)
Heeyoung Kang (2018)
Jeehye Kim (2019)
Juhyung Kim (2017)
Junghyun Kim (2018)
Jung-Eun Kim (2003)
Soyeon Kim (2022)
Wonhee Kim (2015)
YoonHwa Kim (2012)
Yunjin Kim (2023)
Changyoul Lee (2012)
Hyeyeong Lee (2023)
Hyun Kyung Olivia Lee (2014)
Seo Hee Lee (2024)
Wooyoung Lee (2024)
Jeonghee Lim (2023)
Sukran Moon (2018)
Yena Park (2023)
Young Kil Park (2011)
Chang Hoon Shin (1999)
Su-hwan Shin (2015)
Yungsuk Karen Yoo (2014)
Athallah Thunayan Aldalmani (2008)
Edgars Goldmanis (2015)
Naiade El-Khoury (2022, 2024)
Malefetsane Moseme (2016)
Mohamed Lavalie (2019)
Mohamed Elkhazmi (2002)
Stanislovas Jonusas (2022)
Mindaugas Kisieliauskas (2018)
Rytis Satkauskas (2005)
Mirelle Rajaonarison (2024)
Mialisoa Rakouth (2024)
Leonid Randrianarisoa (2010)
Adonis Tafangy (2019)
Vita Onwuasoanya (2010)
Mohd Nizam Basiron (2012)
Nora Syed Ibrahim (1997)
Jalila Abdul Jalil (2008)
Shaun Kang (2016)
Raja Petra Mohamed (1997)
Shaharuddin Onn (2010)
Zainal Abu Azman Seman (1997)
Sh. Nora A. Syed Ibrahim (2014)
John Brincat (2015)
Marshall Islands
Rhea M. Moss (2005)
Latir Serta Fassa (2009)
Anoushka Kishtoo-Ramdhony (2023)
Aruna D. Narain (1998)
Kaleyevanee Nursiniloo (2024)
Lovania Pertab (1996)
Jorge Aguilera Suarez (2022)
Alfonso Ascencio (2004)
Sylvia Cabrera (2008)
Carlos Antonio Cruz Carrillo (2017)
Ana Cecilia Porte Petit (1999)
Alejandro Sousa (2013)
Micronesia, Federated States of
Marstella Jack (2001)
Joe-Silem Enlet (2023)
James A. Naich (2000)
Naiten Bradley Phillip Jr. (2014)
Revenco Eugeniu (2006)
Florian Botto (2014)
Montserrat (United Kingdom)
Alwyn Rohan Ponteen (2018)
Karim Berrada (1999)
Ali Bouali (2007)
Khalid Janah (1996)
Abdennaji Laamrich (1998)
Larbi Sabi (2000)
Sarra Sefrioui (2011)
Honorio Baquete (2015)
Manuel V. F. Castiano (2002)
Neusa Cesar (2015)
Andre Da Silva (1999)
Aderito De Miranda (2015)
Cristiano dos Santos (2003)
Paulo Ezequiel (2006)
Izildo Roque Rangel Ferreira (2008)
Elisio Jamine (2006)
Isac Matola (2004)
Caterina Rombe (2015)
Ye Myint (2017)
Kyaw Naing (2011)
Mang Hau Thang (2006)
Thiha Thwin (2018)
Melcom Block (2016)
Stanley Ndara (2012)
Gideon Thomas (1998)
Margo Deiye (2018)
Leon Bouts (2012)
Nienke van der Burgt (2003)
Cynthia Agatha Devere (2008)
Petra Drankier (2008)
Nikki Eshuis (2019)
Marthe Ferf (2012)
Judith Fischer (2006)
Veronica Frank (2002)
Elise Fresen (2013)
Eveline de Grijff (2008)
Roderick Harte (2019)
Sydney Gregory Kemble (2014)
Patricia Jimenez Kwast (2008)
Esther Loeffen (1999)
Diana Maria Sybilla Merten (2008)
Anne Sophie Oosterlee (2013)
Anna A. Bobo Remijn (1996)
Emille Rikkoert (2017)
Jessica Schechinger (2011)
Ramon Van Barneveld (2018)
Eva Van der Marel (2015)
Youri Van Logchem (2012)
Iris Valckx (2024)
Hilde Woker (2017)
New Zealand
Alexandra Grace (2004)
Alexandra Edgar (2006)
Barbara Ann Hickey (2005)
Monique Page (2013)
Scott Sheeran (2008)
Nicola Shone (2011)
Laurel Simm (2006)
Danica Maria Stent (2014)
Sarah Wynn-Williams (2006)
Alejandro Bermudez (2013)
Claudia Loza (2013)
Edgardo Sobenes Obregon (2011)
Adebanke Aderogba (2018)
Chinonso Agom-Eze (2019)
Talatu Akindolire (2017)
Sunday Atakpa (2015)
William Bwala (2023)
Heaky Dimowo (2012)
Abdulmumuni Dirisu (2012)
Matthew Egbadon (2010)
Kingsley Ekwere (2003)
Edet John Essien (2005)
Syntyche Haruna (2022)
Bukola Adenike Iyelolu (2014)
Chioma Mgbemena (2019)
Arit Nkpubre (2014)
Ifeyinwa Nworgu (2009)
Nneka Ogochukwu Obianyor (2013)
Nkechi Okechukwu (2024)
Obioma Nnenna Obigbor (2013)
Obehi A. Odiase-Alegimenlen (2000)
Olumide Olugbode (2010)
Omotaya Francis Oni (2005)
Chisom Onwuliri (2024)
Dorothy Osehobo (2007)
Anders Brudevoll (2023)
Inge Dulin (2016)
Anniken Enersen (2012)
Tone Engdahl (2011)
Åasmund Eriksen (2008)
Karine Erikstein (2011)
Christine Finbak (2011)
Elisabeth Norgaard Gabrielsen (2018)
Nini Halle (2009)
Inger Haugsgjerd (2022)
Vegard Helland (2010)
Anne Hole (2005)
Therese Johansen (2010)
Elise Karlsen (2006)
Knut Knapskog (2016)
Andreas Motzfeldt Kravik (2014)
Terie Lobach (2006)
Ragnhild Jøndal Nakling (2008)
Hanne Østgaard (2019)
Lene Richter Strand (2008)
Ingrid Vikanes (2012)
Mohamed Al-Bulushi (2016)
Zahra Al-Lawati (2013)
Waseem Qureshi (2017)
Emadch Beck (2004)
Emilia Katosang (2010) (one week)
Marvin Ngirutang, Jr. (2006)
Palestine, State of
Reem Julia Mansour (2014)
Mari Franceschi (2003)
Papua New Guinea
Margaret Aulda (2012)
Seymour Pok (2012)
Marisol Aguero Colunga (1998)
Luz Angelica Calderon-Alvarado (2009)
Gian Pierre Campos Maza (2013)
Francisco Gutierrez Figueroa (2016)
Angel Valjean Horna (2008)
Hugo Montoro (2012)
Bruno Iriarte Noriega (2006)
Oscar Pajares Polar (2023) (two weeks)
Miriam Del Rocio Sara Repetto (2008)
Yella Zanelli (2005)
Maria Hazel Acantilado (2019)
Jacqueline Acorda-Ragasa (2023)
Eunice Juguilon Agsaoay (1999)
Maria Teresa Torres Almojuela (2014)
Maribel Aquilos (1997)
Sandra Arcamo (2001)
Eileene Montes Arquiza (1999)
Azela Arumpac (2013)
Lowell Bautista (2003)
Maria Pia Benosa (2022)
Henry Bensurto, Jr. (2001)
Luz Danielle Bolong (2015)
Robert Borje (2012)
Sheilon Cadaoas (2013)
Generoso Calonge (2019)
Rogelio C. Camaya, Jr. (2000)
Diana De Vera (2024)
Denise S. Dy-Flores (2013)
Alberto A. Encomienda (1999)
Edwin Estrada (2006)
Christina Fernandez (2017)
Sarah Jane Fernandez (2013)
Maria Margarita Garalde-Chua (2019)
Redentor Genotiva (2009)
Roger Guzman (2019)
Ana Marie Layugan Hernando (2016)
Mayla Ibanez (2011)
Paula Knack (2015)
Leney Layug-Delfin (2019)
Carter Luma-ang (2012)
Merliza M. Makinano (2001)
Gilbert Medrano (2023)
Edwin Gil Mendoza (2015)
Josel Mostajo (2011)
Ma. Cristina T. Navarro (2014)
Alexis Noble (2019)
Mary Ann Palma (2002)
Jonathan Pason (2011)
Lorelei E. Peralta (2004)
Maria Angela Ponce (2002)
Mary Fides Quintos (2018)
Cheryl Grace Rabe (2019)
Joan V. Ramos-Fabella (2014)
Rufus Bautista Rodriguez (2012)
Cheryl Roque-Javier (2024)
Bernadette San Juan (2004)
Emma R. Sarne (1998)
Charina Soria (2024)
A. Suzette V. Suarez (2000)
Benjamin Tagsa (2024)
Marie Sybil Tropicales (2023)
Jane Yu (2024)
Bernard G. Blazkiewicz (2000)
Elzbieta Laplatte (2019)
Konrad Marciniak (2015)
Nelson Fernando Coelho (2014)
Luis da Costa Diogo (2004)
Carlos Ferreira (2022)
Eliana Sofia da Silva Pereira (2016)
Maria Madalena das Neves (2010)
Mariana Neves (2010)
Andreia Sofia Pinto-Oliveria (2000)
Luis Vicente (2011)
Puerto Rico (USA)
Deborah Parrilla Hernández (2008)
Irina Buga (2012)
Andreea Chiriac (2003)
Matei Cristea (2009)
Liviu Dimitru (2004)
Daniela Miculescu (2002)
Rozana Moise (2001)
Emilia-Alina Niculescu (2002)
Alina Orosan (2006)
Elena-Mirela Pascaru (2008)
Ioana Alice Pascu (2005)
Virgiliu G. Pop (2000)
Simona Popan (2017)
Simonda Spinaru (2012)
Paul Susman (2018)
Felix Zaharia (2007)
Shvets Daria Andreevna (2014)
Ekaterina Antsygina (2022)
Ekaterina Anyanova (2012)
Oxana A. Bebko (2004)
Yana Brazovskaya (2008)
Saveliy Chentsov (2015)
Tatiana Dvenadtcatova (2013)
Gubareva Ekaterina (2011)
Igor Vladimirovich Kalinine (2001)
Anna Lioubalina (2001)
Anastasia Mudrolyubova (2010)
Sofia Pimenova (2016)
Rostislav Ruchkin (2012)
Tatiana Saksina (2007)
Mariya Skaridova (2004)
Natalia Sorokina (2011)
Alexander Surzhin (2006)
Tatiana Toukh (2003)
Natalya Tsepkova (2010)
Iuliia Tsvetkova (2017)
Ekaterina Yanyuk (2004)
Saint Lucia
Tafawa R. Williams (2000)
Lealofi Mamaia (2019)
Gemma Nelson (2017)
Kathleen Taituave (2018)
Deborah Tuitama (2024)
Saudi Arabia
Khalid Al Agel (2009)
Khalid Sulaiman Alagel (2008)
Mohammed Alatoui (2011)
Mohammad Saeed Alatoui (2008)
Abdullah Mohammed Al-Ahmari (2003)
Abdullah Mohammed Al-Ahmari (2005)
Abdulmohsin Ali Al Faleh (1997)
Omar Abdulaziz Al Hakabani (2005)
Mohammed Hamed Al-Harbi (2004)
Yahya Mohamed Al-Hazmi (2005)
Saud Abdulaziz Alhuzaim (2008)
Waleed Almuhanna (2011)
Fahad Almutairi (2010)
Fahad Aloqayli (2011)
Saud Al Otaibi (2009)
Turki Eid Salim Al-Otaibi (2004)
Abdullah Mohammed Al-Qhtani (2003)
Nour Al Saud (2016)
Abdul Rahman Mohammed Al-Shehri (1997)
Mohammed A. Al-Thukair (1997)
Saliou Dieng (2010)
Mamadou Moustapha Loum (1998)
Strahinja Ivanovic (2018)
Peter Anthony Purvis (2014)
Yannick Jude Roucou (2016)
Sierra Leone
Osman Kamara (2011)
Josephus Mamie (2022)
Hindolo Momoh (2019)
Sheku Sei (2011)
Stephany Aw (2024)
Joy Boo (2019)
Karyn Chan (2019)
Denise Cheong (2015)
Charles Chew (2009)
Edna Chia (2007)
Amanda Chong (2023)
Tara Davenport (2010)
Nathaniel Khng (2019)
Huan Ying Koh (2011)
Akshay Kothari (2012)
Lynn Kuok (2015)
Kenneth Kwa (2014)
Tsen Yang Lee (2012)
David Low (2013)
Zhi Lei Lum (2016)
Natalie Morris-Sharma (2015)
Leon Oei (2022)
Ashley Ong (2022)
Jie Hao (Joel) Ong (2024)
Chin Heng Ong (2009)
Sanjay Pala Krishnan (2012)
Hao Duy Phan (2013)
Sheryl Shum (2007)
Marcus Song (2010)
Yi Xiang Jeremy Sor (2016)
Jason Tan (2011)
Soo Tet Tan (2017)
Luke Tang (2014)
Ai Lin Teoh (2018)
Borg-Tsien Tham (2012)
Shuo Wang (2016)
Kenneth Wong (2018)
WaiYen Jasmine Wong (2016)
Slovak Republic
Ondrej Gavalec (2001)
Drahoslav Stefanek (1996)
Petra Mahnic (2017)
Matej Marn (2002)
Misa Zagonec-Rozej (2001)
Solomon Islands
Fred Amoa (1997)
Calvy Aonima (2017)
South Africa
Craig Daniell (1997)
Michael Khetlha Kabai (2012)
Robert Steenkamp (2015)
Vishal Surbun (2023)
José Acuña (2023)
Margarita Badeness (1999)
Valentin Bou (1999)
Manuel Carmona Yebra (2014)
Juan Antonio Escudero (1998)
Guiomar Henares Rodríguez (2023)
Irene Llabrés Pohl (2023)
Maria Lalaguna (2007)
Carla Marti (2024)
Aurora Mateos (2007)
Xosé Tubío Rodríguez (2022)
Sri Lanka
Yamuna Dissanayake (2022)
Priyantha Nawana (2003)
Nanayakkara Umayanga (2016)
Bernice Mahabier (2010)
Claudine Rogers-Krommie (2011)
Elnaz Barjandi (2019)
Jessica Battle (2012)
Kristofer Du Rietz (2017)
Par Gunnar Flyghed (2007)
Lisa Eurén Höglund (2012)
Helen Johansson (2016)
Niels Krabbe (2013)
Jessica Porsgren (1997)
Dominika Szalankiewicz (2019)
Karin Wall (2018)
Pontus Winther (2009)
Rehema Kiwanga (1997)
Wankyo Simon (2017)
Dhisadee Chamlongrasdr (2018)
Panupat Chavananikul (2023)
Pornchai Danvivathana (1997)
Narupon Joytongmool (2018)
Somjade Kongrawd (2013)
Prim Masrinuan (2010)
Tanyarat Mungkalarungsi (2016)
Chaiya Patanan (2017)
Adisorn Sittikarn (2016)
Prinyawat Tantiputthiroj (2024)
Pimpida Ravirat Thanarat (2018)
Sarayut Tienkingkaew (1999)
Rachot Osiri (2009)
Timor Leste
Adelsia Maria Coelho Da Silva (2017)
Lusitania Dacosta Cornelia Lopes (2014)
Roberto Soares (2019)
‘Ofa Ma’asi Kaisamy (2014)
Madeleine Lavemai (2024)
Trinidad and Tobago
Dwynette D. Eversley (1998)
Nadine Nabie (2019)
Bevan Narinesingh (2011)
Ronald Nowbutt (2000)
Gaile Ramoutar (1997)
Kaouther Debbeche (2002)
Riadh Dridi (1998)
Tarak Ben Hamida (1996)
Yosra Khammeri (2012)
Samir Mansar (1999)
Hakan Abaci (2004)
Emin Akseki (2014)
Oguzhan Aksoy (2017)
Verda Akün (2006)
Koral Altar Bacaksiz (2023)
Feyza Barutçu (2019)
Orçun Başaran (2017)
Gaye Baycik (2002)
Yesim Baykal (2005)
Firdevs Celen Erpek (2024)
Ahmet Cetin (2015)
Dr. Ejbel Cira (2001)
Caglar A. Coskunsu (2015)
Dolunay Özbek Dalyan (1997)
Ersin Ecrin (1999)
B. Ceyhun Erciyes (2013)
Cagatay Erciyes (2002)
Orkun Ersoy (2011)
Ibrahim Gokalp (2009)
Vakur Gokdenizler (2002)
Idil Isil Gul (2002)
Zeynep Gümrük (2010)
Damla Gümüşkaya (2018)
Baris Kalkavan (2006)
Peyami Kalyoncu (2012)
Betül Karagedik (2023)
Emre Kayhan (2001)
Murat Omeroglu (2016)
Ersel Ozdemir (2016)
Basat Ozturk (2005)
Burak Ozugergin (2001)
Mehmet Poroy (2007)
Sabina Salpagarova (2007)
Tugba Sarayonlu (1998)
Melek Dilflen Seymenoglu (2008)
Sibel Sezer (2001)
Işil Tűrker (2003)
Bunyamin Turkmen (2024)
Haldun Tekneci (2009)
Cem Utkan (2008)
Müjde Utku (2010)
Mehmet Uyanik (2009)
Teoman Uykur (2003)
Duygu Yağci (2023)
Ece Yilmaz (2011)
Melike Yilmaz (2006)
Bengi Selen Yuceer (2000)
Solomon Sebuliba (2023)
Eugeniya E. Dodina (1998)
Olesia Gorbun (2022)
Igor Viktorovich Karaman (2005)
Anna Nychyporenko (2009)
Denys V. Rabomizo (2005)
Viktoriya Radchenko (2004)
Kateryna Stepanova (2008)
Valeriy Tsalko (2001)
Mariia Vladymyrova (2024)
United Arab Emirates
Abdulaziz Alblooshi (2018)
Abdulla Al-Mansoori (2013)
Saif Al Mazrouei (2019)
United Kingdom
Imogen Canavan (2018)
Arron Nicholas Honniball (2014)
Nigel Irvine (2015)
Fraser Janeczko (2024)
Nkeiru Joe-Njoku (2009)
Andrew Kennedy (2023)
Nicola Margaret King (2005)
Rachel Lewis (2022)
Amber Rose Maggio (2018)
Andy Palmer-Felgate (2016)
Rabindra Paramothayan (2018)
Martyn Read (2018)
Greg Reisman (2018)
Eleanor Scudder (2009)
Benjamin Thomas Sims (2016)
Torsten Thiele (2013)
Oliver Tiliouine (2024)
Jennifer Wallace (2023)
United States of America
Michele Ameri (2007)
Allain Andry (2015)
Constance Arvis (2002)
Julio A. Baez (2000)
Chris Barrows (2010)
Fuad Bateh (2019)
Adam Bloomquist (2019)
Kent Bressie (2013)
Kassandra Brown (2002)
Kelley Brumley (2010)
C. Thomas Burke (2001)
Derek B. Campbell (2008)
Alicia Cate (2023)
Catherin Creese (2009)
C. Lynette Cunningham (1999)
Daniel A. Curran (1996)
Finn Dahl (2023)
Kathryn Dalton (2024)
Samantha Dowdell (2022)
Barry Eakins (2015)
Claire Eaton (2017)
Sarah Ertle (2017)
Alisha Falberg (2022)
Andrew Friedman (2015)
Dennis Harbin (2013)
Christine Hayes (2022)
Michael Heard Snow (2022)
Jennifer Henderson (2010)
Todd Hutchins (2010)
Onni Irish (2016)
Emily Jones (2009)
Julie Jordan (2001)
Christopher Kavanagh (2013) (two weeks)
Scott Keefer (2002)
James Keel (2009)
Elizabeth Kim (2009)
Kristine Dalaker Kraabel (2016)
Becky Larson (2009)
Erin John LeFevre (2024)
Rodelio (Rae) Manacsa (2024)
Elizabeth J. Maruschak (2000)
Amy Mathews-Amos (2000)
Brian Melchior (2011)
Elizabeth Mendenhall (2019)
Jeanene Mitchell (2003)
Sarah E. Morison (2000)
Jimmy Nerantzis (2011)
Emily Nocito (2024)
William (Billy) Phalen (2016)
Mary Quagliano (1997)
Tory D. Randall (2005)
Rebecca Reese (2022)
Priscilla Rivas (2022)
Kenli Allyson Schaaf (2008)
William Sloan (2006)
Dennis Soden (2014)
Thomas B. Street (2005)
Laura Strickler (2018)
Najwa Tarazi (2008)
Jeffrey Tirshfield (2014)
Serina Vandegrift (2007)
Brian Van Pay (2006)
Meredith Alice Westington (2008)
Krista Wiegand (2018)
Amanda Williams (2017)
Amy Zirneklis (2004)
Fernanda Anelo (2023)
Blanca Cecilia Esponda (2015)
Beverleigh Kanas (2007) (2008)
Raúl Ignacio Curiel (2008)
Cuong Viet Do (2016)
Nguyen Manh Dong (1998)
Lan Nguyen (2013)
Lan-Anh Nguyen (2010) (two weeks)
Thang Nguyen-Daug (2009)
Nguyen Thi Kim Anh (2007)
Cuong Hung Nguyen (2018)
Nguyen Thi Trang Nhung (2007)
Dung Pham (2015)
Nguyen Phu Quoc (2007)
Ha Tran (2018)
Minh Tran (2017)
Diep Ngoc Vo (2019)
Hai Dang Vu (2019)
Lien Thi Mai Vu (2018)
Tran Hoang Yen (2014)
Yugoslavia, Former Socialist Federal Republic of
Tatjana Ilic (1996)
Dejan Jovanovic (2002)
Jelena Nikcevic (2000)