Graduate Student Research Fund
The SMSOE Graduate Student Research Fund provides supplemental support for research services (boat expenses, equipment rental, etc.), supplies, graduate student summer salary and/or undergraduate support for UNH graduate students. These funds are available to UNH graduate students who do not have other means of funding these expenses for marine related research. The total amount of funding available for Spring 2025 is $39,000. Typical awards range from $2,000 - $5,000. All funds received must be spent within one year after the account is established. Thus, funds awarded in Spring 2025 must be spent by June 1, 2026.
This fund was in-part established through the generous donations received from the UNH 603 Challenge. Watch for more information on how you can help support graduate student research at UNH through the 603 Challenge.
The application period has now ended for 2025. Awards are expected to be announced in the week of April 11, 2025.
Applicant must:
- complete the application available through the link below.
- please use traditional proposal formatting which includes Background/Introduction, Rationale, Objectives, Methods, and References sections. You should include the hypotheses you are testing in your proposal as well as, indicate how the results of your study will address your hypotheses. Proposals should be short (<5 pages double-spaced, including references).
- provide a detailed budget and budget justification to include: research services (boat expenses, equipment rental, etc.) and expendable supplies graduate student salary and/or undergraduate support. Please be sure to include the 8.1% fringe rate when calculating student support. The budget and justification are not included in the five-page limit. Please use the following format for your budget:
Graduate student: ___ hours per week for __ weeks at standard rate = $___ x 0.081 for fringe = $ ___
Undergraduate student: ___ hours per week for __weeks at a rate of $ __ /hr = $__; x 0.081 for fringe = $__
Supplies: Vessel costs: __ of (full/half/quarter) days @ $__ /day = $ ______
Please use the following format for your budget justification:
The proposed research will require grad student time of __ that costs: $ ___ . To fulfill the mentoring role, ___ (#) of undergrads will be needed for ___ time for each grad student) and these costs are estimated to be: $ ___. Both salaries will carry a fringe rate of 8.1%, which comes to: $ ___. In addition, supplies are needed for the research and include: ___ for a cost of $___.
To access the planned study sites, I will need a boat (size?) and a driver (?) for ___ # of (full/half/quarter) days at $ ___/day for a total vessel cost of: $____. In all, costs requested for this project total $____. - submit a letter of recommendation from an advisor or sponsor. This letter of recommendation can be sent directly to or submitted with application. The letter of recommendation is not included in the five-page limit.
- if using a SMSOE supported facility (JEL, CML or UNH Pier) or equipment, you must receive written approval from David Shay ( before submitting your application. The written approval must be submitted with your application below. The letter of support is not included in the five-page limit.
Requests for assistance will not be accepted post cruise/research. Applicants will only be reviewed if research expenses are not covered by other sources. Applicants are expected to justify why funding is not covered elsewhere. Funding is available only to current UNH graduate students performing marine-related research and for research purposes only.
Funding must be used within 12 months of award. Any unused funds will be returned to the Graduate Research Fund.
If your proposal is successful, you will be required to keep a detailed record of expenses for the award. In addition, you will be required to submit a brief report describing how the funds you received were used and what those funds have allowed you to accomplish. You will also be required to present a poster or a talk at the School of Marine Science and Ocean Engineering Graduate Symposium and Ocean Discovery Day, and may be asked to help in the SMSOE booths at conferences such as AGU and Ocean Sciences (if attending).
Reports will be due June 1, 2026 and should be sent to Sally Nelson at
Reports should consist of one or two paragraphs that briefly describe (1) your project goals or aims, (2) what specifically you have used funds for, (3) how these funds have helped you in your research, and (4) Please provide a photo or two (jpg or tiff) of your work than can be used to help highlight the importance of these funds to your research. Please note that by sending the photo, you are agreeing to its use in reporting materials (please tell us whom should receive credit for taking the photo).
Chase Family Peer Mentor Fellowship
Funding for this fellowship is provided by the Chase Family Peer Mentor Fellowship. The purpose of this fund is to provide fellowship support to graduate students whose research focus is on critical issues facing the Great Bay Estuary or the Gulf of Maine. Fellowship recipients will participate in the mentorship of 1-2 undergraduate students.
This funding will allow for up to three – four fellowships in 2025. Awards are made up to $15,000.
The application period has now ended for 2025. Awards are expected to be announced in the week of April 11, 2025.
- Research must be focused on critical issues of the Great Bay Estuary or the Gulf of Maine.
- Awardees must mentor 1-2 undergraduate students.
- The proposal must include a plan on how the undergraduate student will assist in the project.
- Funding provided for graduate student summer salary during the summer of 2025 and undergraduate student support during the summer of 2025 and/or through the 2025/26 academic year.
- This opportunity is available to UNH graduate and undergraduate students only.
- Funding does not cover equipment, lab fees, travel, or other expenses associated with research.
Applicant must:
- complete the application available through the link below.
- please use traditional proposal formatting which includes Background/Introduction, Rationale, Objectives, Methods, and References sections. You should include the hypotheses you are testing in your proposal as well as, indicate how the results of your study will address your hypotheses. Proposals should be short (<5 pages double-spaced, including references).
- provide a detailed budget and budget justification to include: research services (boat expenses, equipment rental, etc.) and expendable supplies graduate student salary and/or undergraduate support. Please be sure to include the 8.1% fringe rate when calculating student support. The budget and justification are not included in the five-page limit.
Please use the following format for your budget: Graduate student: ___ hours per week for __ weeks at standard rate = $___ x 0.081 for fringe = $ ___ Undergraduate student: ___ hours per week for __weeks at a rate of $ __ /hr = $__; x 0.081 for fringe = $__ Supplies: Vessel costs: __ of (full/half/quarter) days @ $__ /day = $ ______
Please use the following format for your budget justification: The proposed research will require grad student time of __ that costs: $ ___ . To fulfill the mentoring role, ___ (#) of undergrads will be needed for ___ time for each grad student) and these costs are estimated to be: $ ___. Both salaries will carry a fringe rate of 8.1%, which comes to: $ ___. In addition, supplies are needed for the research and include: ___ for a cost of $___. To access the planned study sites, I will need a boat (size?) and a driver (?) for ___ # of (full/half/quarter) days at $ ___/day for a total vessel cost of: $____. In all, costs requested for this project total $____. - submit a letter of recommendation from an advisor or sponsor. This letter of recommendation can be sent directly to or submitted with application. The letter of recommendation is not included in the five-page limit.
- if using a SMSOE supported facility (JEL, CML or UNH Pier) or equipment, you must receive written approval from David Shay ( before submitting your application. The written approval must be submitted with your application below. The letter of support is not included in the five-page limit.
- Requests for assistance will not be accepted post cruise/research.
- Funding must be used within 12 months of award. Any unused funds will be returned to the fund.
- Funding does not cover equipment, lab fees, travel, or other expenses associated with research.
If your proposal is successful, you will be required to keep a detailed record of expenses for the award. In addition, you will be required to submit a brief report describing how the funds you received were used and what those funds have allowed you to accomplish. You will also be required to present a poster or a talk at the School of Marine Science and Ocean Engineering Graduate Symposium and Ocean Discovery Day, and may be asked to help in the SMSOE booths at conferences such as AGU and Ocean Sciences (if attending).
Reports will be due June 1, 2026 and should be sent to Sally Nelson at
Reports should consist of one or two paragraphs that briefly describe (1) your project goals or aims, (2) what specifically you have used funds for, (3) how these funds have helped you in your research, and (4) Please provide a photo or two (jpg or tiff) of your work than can be used to help highlight the importance of these funds to your research. Please note that by sending the photo, you are agreeing to its use in reporting materials (please tell us whom should receive credit for taking the photo).
SMSOE Research Equipment Fund
The School of Marine Science and Ocean Engineering (SMSOE) is pleased to announce the SMSOE Research Equipment Fund. The intent of this fund is to support the purchase of shared research equipment to the UNH marine community.
Who is eligible to submit a proposal: Any UNH faculty, staff, or UNH graduate student who is currently involved in marine related research or activities. Graduate students must be enrolled at the time of proposal submission and faculty/staff must be employed by the University of New Hampshire.
This funding is provided by the Hubbard Endowment. Proposals of up to $10,000 will be accepted, however well-written proposals at higher levels that can be justified to be useful to a broad base within the UNH marine community will be considered.
All funded equipment will be:
- stored in a community lab.
- accessible to the UNH marine community.
- and the property of SMSOE.
Your 1-3 page proposal must include:
- A description of the equipment
- Proposed research use
- Justification for use/need
- Equipment specifications (size, weight, etc.)
- Supplier quote or other form that identifies equipment and shipping costs
- Space (e.g., bench space) and storage requirements
- Any annual maintenance costs and/or needs
- Costs to operate the equipment, if applicable
- A strategy on how to make the equipment available to the UNH Marine Community.
- Proposals submitted by graduate students should include a letter of support from the student’s advisor
The 2025 proposal deadline has passed. Please check back for the next announcement.
Proposals should be sent to:
B&P and Seed Grant Award
The purpose of the Business & Proposal (B&P) and Seed Grant funds is to develop proposals or pilot research ultimately leading to external funding (private, industry, government). Funds available each year will target $25,000. Typical amounts will range from $1,000 to $5,000, with a cap of $12,500 per call. There will be an averager of two application rounds each year in the spring and fall. Awards are anticipated to be made within 30 days of the proposal deadline. Budget items appropriate for B&P requests include research faculty salary, faculty summer salary, and research staff salary directly related to proposal development. Budget items appropriate for Seed Grants include research faculty salary, faculty summer salary, student salary, research services (boat expenses, equipment rental, etc.) and expendable supplies.
B&P and Seed Grants do NOT cover:
- Conference travel or fees
- Equipment
- Professional development courses
- Student tuition
- Applicant must be affiliated with SMSOE and be able to serve as an UNH PI.
- No more than one application per PI (lead or co-I) in each review period, and only one grant per PI will be funded in any given year.
- Proposal must provide some indication of the targeted funding opportunity or program office.
- Applicant must provide an assessment of the potential for return.
- B&P applications only – must identify specific agency program or RFP, with proposal due date if known, for which the proposal is being developed.
- Research requiring the use of SMSOE equipment or facilities must be approved by David Shay ( and his written approval must be submitted with the application.
- Proposals must include an outreach component.
The application (below) requires your name, title and affiliation, date, a description of research activity or identified proposal development, an itemized budget with explanation, an outreach plan and SMSOE facility approval (if applicable).
Criteria and Review Process
- Priority will be given to first-time applicants.
- Priority will be given to interdisciplinary efforts that connect more than one program or department across UNH.
- The request should ultimately serve the wider community or society as opposed to a focused single PI research program.
- SMSOE Research Committee will review proposals with the exception of committee members with conflict of interest, and will recommend funding applications to the SMSOE Executive Committee.
B&P: A copy of the externally submitted proposal developed as a result of the B&P funding must be submitted within six months of awarded funding. A copy of the submitted proposal will be forwarded to the SMSOE following proposal submission.
Seed Grant: Summary report of research results and identification of external funding opportunities eventually leading to external funding.
Funding must be spent within 12 months of award.
Reports to be submitted to the SMSOE within 13 months of award. Failure to provide a report may prevent awardee from being considered for future awards.
Awardees will be encouraged to participate as judges in the SMSOE Graduate Research Symposium held annually each Spring.
Contact Info
- Applications should be submitted to
- Questions should be submitted directly to
Class of 1937 Professorship in Marine Biology
The objective of the fund is to provide a continuing source of support to recognize excellence in teaching and research in marine biology within the School of Marine Science and Ocean Engineering and its associated laboratories, with a preference for the Shoals Marine Laboratory. Individuals awarded this professorship may hold tenure-track or research faculty appointments in marine biology. Recipients of this professorship will be at any rank, with priority given to new or current faculty demonstrating particular achievement within the last two years. More than one individual may hold the professorship at any time. The maximum funding available is $10,000 per year. Awards will be for up to three years and are renewable.
This professorship was established through the generosity of members and friends of the University of New Hampshire’s Class of 1937 on the occasion of their 50th reunion.
As directed by the donors, the objective of the Fund is to provide a continuing source of support to recognize excellence in teaching and research in Marine Biology within the School of Marine Science and Ocean Engineeringand its associated laboratories with a preference for the Shoals Marine Laboratory. Individuals awarded this professorship may hold tenure-track or research faculty appointments in marine biology. Recipients of this professorship will be at any rank, with priority given to new or current faculty demonstrating particular achievement within the last two years. More than one individual may hold the professorship at any time. Funding will be dispersed July 1, 2024. The maximum funding available is $10,000 per year. Awards will be for up to three years and are renewable.
Successful applicants will have a strong record of accomplishment in Marine Biology and present a plan for using Class of ’37 support to advance marine biological education and/or research at UNH. Preference will be given to proposals that clearly define a benefit for the greater Marine Biology community at UNH.
Applications (5 pages maximum) should provide a summary of the applicant’s contributions over the past 2-5 years (1 page maximum) and an overview of the applicant’s goals for the professorship (4 pages maximum). Applications must include a summary budget. Research requiring the use of SMSOE equipment or facilities must be approved by David Shay ( and his written approval must be submitted with the application.
Applications must be emailed to the School of Marine Science and Ocean Engineering (SMSOE) at office. The SMSOE Research Committee will review applications and make a recommendation to the SMSOE Executive Committee. If the applicant is in doubt about the suitability of their idea for use of the Professorship, she/he is encouraged to consult with David Burdick at prior to submission.
Awardees will be expected to submit a brief summary of their activities supported by the professorship annually. Any funds not expended by the end of the award period will revert to the Class of 1937 Fund to be redistributed as part of a future professorship.
Applications should be emailed to:
Deadline: This year's deadline has passed. Please check back for future opportunities.
- 2021-Present - Nathan Furey, Ph.D.
- 2019 - 2021 - Elizabeth Fairchild, Ph.D.
- 2015 - 2019 - Gregg Moore, Ph.D.
- 2011 - 2014 - David Burdick, Ph.D.
- 2011 - 2014 - David Berlinsky, Ph.D.
NH Sea Grant Development Funds
N.H. Sea Grant Development Funds are available to faculty and researchers with principal investigator status at any institution of higher education and research in New Hampshire. Awards typically range from $1,000 to $5,000, and only one development award per year is usually approved per researcher.