About the Seminar Series
The School of Marine Science and Ocean Engineering invites you to our Seminar Series! This series is designed to bring the UNH and local marine communities together to learn, discuss, network and hopefully to develop new ideas and ways to collaborate with partners both on and off campus. Each seminar will include several short talks relating to the seminar's theme, followed by an opportunity for questions and a social. Light refreshments and a cash bar will be available. The seminars are launched with the following goals in mind:
- Promote awareness and identity for the SMSOE Community both within and outside of UNH.
- Build connections both on and off campus among UNH researchers, students, educators, stakeholders and others around important topics related to marine and coastal resources.
- Facilitate discussions that will help focus research and other efforts to effectively address challenges and opportunities facing management of marine and coastal resources.
This series is made possible by the generous support of the Dave and Mary Ann Chase Endowed Fund for Marine Science Excellence.
Upcoming Seminars
12:00pm - 1:00pm, JEDI-EOS Spring Support Workshop Series: Professional Development for Faculty, Postdocs, & Staff JEDI-EOS is collaborating with multiple offices on campus to offer upcoming workshops that will provide key background, tools, and resources to support diverse students and colleagues and help UNH community members through challenges they may face. These workshops are open to all UNH faculty, staff, and postdocs.Description: The most effective way to prevent suicide is to kn...
Past Seminars
The videos, along with many others, can be found on our YouTube UNH School of Marine Science and Ocean Engineering channel or through the links below.
Tripos muelleri Extreme Bloom Event
January 17, 2024
In January 2024, NERACOOS and UNH's School of Marine Science and Ocean Engineering hosted a seminar and workshop focused on the 2023 Tripos Bloom event. This highly unusual bloom of Tripos muelleri dominated the western Gulf of Maine and puzzled scientists from multiple institutions across the region. Researchers at UNH were quick to bring attention to the extreme conditions, connect with collaborators, and expand their monitoring. The bloom species is not known to be harmful and thankfully it did not lead to a large hypoxic zone or die off in the Gulf of Maine. Nonetheless the bloom could have lasting impacts on the ecosystem and scientists are eager to understand it better.
During the seminar, invited speakers discussed some of the broader climatic and oceanographic changes occurring in the Gulf of Maine, harmful algal blooms and how we monitor for them, and this particular bloom of Tripos mulleri and why it was so unusual. The seminar was followed by a workshop on January 18th in which attendees from the scientific community shared their insights on some of the drivers and impacts of the bloom, and discuss how the research community may better prepare for the next highly unusual event.
For more information on the Tripos muelleri Bloom Event, please email marine.information@unh.edu.
Seminar Presenters
Dr. David Townsend – University of Maine
Mrun Pathare (on behalf of Michaek Brosnaha), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
Dr. Elizabeth Harvey – University of New Hampshire
The videos, along with many others, can be found on our YouTube UNH School of Marine Science and Ocean Engineering channel or through the links below.
New Faculty Seminar
April 6, 2022
"Coastal Carbonated Change: Effects of ocean warming and acidification on intertidal species" – Dr. Brittany Jellison, Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences
"The effects of extreme events on marine ecosystems and fisheries" – Dr. Easton White, Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences
The videos, along with many others, can be found on our YouTube UNH School of Marine Science and Ocean Engineering channel or through the links below.
New Faculty Seminar: Part 1
February 16, 2021
"Life, but mostly death, of marine phytoplankton" – Elizabeth Harvey, Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences
"Flow through coastal vegetation: From flume to field" – Tracy Mandel, Assistant Professor, Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
"Tracking permafrost leaks to the Arctic Ocean from Space" – Atsushi Matsuoka, Research Assistant Professor, SMSOE
New Faculty Seminar: Part 2
March 15, 2021
"Wind, Waves, Currents, and All That: Observing the Processes of Physical Air-Sea Interaction" – Nathan Laxague, Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Ocean Engineering
"Bridging the Science Policy Gap: A seat at the table for science" – Lindsey Williams, Sr. Fellow, Coastal Policy and Engagement, School of Marine Science and Ocean Engineering and New Hampshire Sea Grant
Want to sign up for our seminar announcements or suggest future topics?