Courses Taught
- ESCI 771/871: Geodesy & Positioning OceanMap
- ESCI 870: Geodesy for Ocean Mapping
- ESCI 872: Appl Tools for Ocean Mapping
- ESCI 875: Adv Topics in Ocean Mapping
- ESCI 972: Hydrographic Field Course
- ESCI/OE 770/870: Geodesy for Ocean Mapping
- ESCI/OE 771/871/771/871: Geodesy & Positioning OceanMap
- ESCI/OE 871/771/871: Geodesy & Position Ocean Map
- ESCI/OE 874: Seabed Mapping
- ESCI/OE 875: Adv Topics in Ocean Mapping
- ESCI/OE 972: Hydrographic Field Course
- OE 771/871: Geodesy & Position Ocean Map
- OE 875: Adv Topics in Ocean Mapping
- OE 972: Hydrographic Field Course
Selected Publications
Dijkstra, S. J., Mayer, L. A., IEEE., & IEEE. (2000). TracEd: A remote acoustic seafloor characterization system for use with vertical incidence echosounders. In OCEANS 2000 MTS/IEEE - WHERE MARINE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY MEET, VOLS 1-3, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS (pp. 1211-1217). Retrieved from https://www.webofscience.com/