As the director of UNH Extension and UNH Professional Development & Training Ken oversees their mission to address the diverse needs of New Hampshire in the areas of community and economic development, food and agriculture, youth and families, natural resources, and professional education.
In addition to his role as Director of UNH Extension, Ken works collaboratively with academic units across the university and colleges to provide strategic direction for UNH’s outreach, K12 engagement, and non-credit continuing education programs.
Ken received his bachelor’s degree in Zoology from the University of NH in 1993. He received a master of science in 1993 from the University of Rhode Island, and doctoral degree also from URI in 2005. La Valley’s research interest is in conservation engineering of fishing gear that improves selectivity while reducing bycatch of non-target species. His extension work was focused on technology transfer of sustainable fishing strategies as well as improving the capacity of local fishermen to direct market their harvest.
Research Interests
- Aquaculture/Hydroponics
- Invertebrate Biology
- Invertebrate Physiology
- Marine Biology
- Microbiology
Selected Publications
Feeney, R. G., La Valley, K. J., & Hall-Arber, M. (2010). Assessing Stakeholder Perspectives on the Impacts of a Decade of Collaborative Fisheries Research in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 2010(2010), 205-216. doi:10.1577/c09-038.1
LaValley, K. J., Jones, S., gomez-chiarri, M., Dealteris, J., & rice, M. (2009). BACTERIAL COMMUNITY PROFILING OF THE AMERICAN OYSTER
AND CULTURE-INDEPENDENT OUTCOMES. Journal of Shellfish Research, 28(4).La Valley, K. J., DeAlteris, J., Rice, M., & Gomez‐Chiarri, M. (2008). North Atlantic Vibrio vulnificus surveillance from postharvest oysters at a US shellfish processing facility. Journal of Foodservice, 19(4), 234-237. doi:10.1111/j.1748-0159.2008.00104.x
LaValley, K. J., & He, P. (2008). Training in Reversal: A Fishing Gear Workshop by Fishermen for Non-Fishermen. Journal of Extension, 46(3).
LaValley, K. (2001). Effects of nursery culture technique on the morphology and borrowing capability of the softshell clam, Mya arenaria. In Journal of Shellfish Research Vol. 20 (pp. 509-530). National Shellfisheries Association, Inc..
DeAlteris, J. T., & La Valley, K. J. (1999). Physiological Response of Scup, Stenotomus chrysops, to a Simulated Trawl Capture and Escape Event. Marine Technology Society Journal, 33(2), 25-34. doi:10.4031/mtsj.33.2.5
LaValley, K., Howell, T., Young-Morse, R., Beal, B. F., & Dubois, B. (1999). Experimental testing of field techniques for farming the soft-shell clam (Mya arenaria).. In Journal of Shellfish Research Vol. 18 (pp. 259-280). National Shellfisheries Association, Inc..
Langan, R., Gress, D., Walker, I., Flanigan, P., Sheehy, J., Drake, J., & LaValley, K. (n.d.). Remote setting of the eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) on natural and artificial cultch.. Journal of Shellfish Restoration, 16(289).