Kelly Cullen

Kelly Giraud

Natural Resources and the Environment
Phone: (603) 862-4811
Office: Natural Resources & the Environment, James Hall Rm 262, Durham, NH 03824

I am trained in Non-market Economics, Benefit-Cost Analysis, and Economic Impact Analysis. Areas of interest include Public Lands and Recreation, Fish and Wildlife (especially endangered species), Real Estate, and the Local Food movement.

Ph.D. Colorado State University, 1999

Research Areas

Wildlife, Fisheries, Public Lands, Real Estate

Research Emphasis

My research focuses on the Non-market Valuation and Economic Analysis outlined by Federal Regulations (ESA, NEPA).

Courses Taught

  • Natural Resource Economics EREC 572
  • Fundamentals of Real Estate CEP 672
  • Green Real Estate CEP 673
  • Marine Resource Economics EREC 711


French, Charles, Kelly Giraud, Sally Ward (2007). "Building Wealth through Ownership: Resident-Owned Manufactured Housing Communities in New Hampshire". Forthcoming: Journal of Extension.

Book Chapter: Johnston, R. and K. Giraud (2007). “Public Input In Rural Land Preservation: Modeling Preference Asymmetries In Stated Preference Data”, chapter in W. Laby’s Fetzschrift, West Virginia University Press.

Ward, Sally; French, Charles and Kelly Giraud (2006). "Resident-Owned Manufactured Home Communities in New Hampshire". National Association of Housing Cooperatives. 2006 Annual Issue.

Ward, S., K. Giraud and C. French (2006). “The Effect of Cooperative Ownership on Appreciation of Manufactured Housing”. Cooperative Housing Journal: 2005/2006 Combined Issue.

Giraud, K, C. Bond, J. Kelling-Bond (2005). "Consumer Preferences for Locally Made Specialty Food Products Across Northern New England". Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 34(2):204-216.

Poe, G., K. Giraud and J. Loomis (2005). “Computational Methods for Measuring the Difference of Empirical Distributions”. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 87(2): 353-365.

Giraud, K, B. Turcin (2004). “Motivations in Willingness to Pay Estimates across Geographically Embedded Samples”. Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy: 7(1): 57-72.

Giraud, Kelly, Branka Turcin, John Loomis and Joseph Cooper (2002). “Economic Benefit of the Protection Program for the Steller Sea Lion”. Marine Policy 26(6):451-458.

Giraud, Kelly and Mark Herrmann (2002). "Classroom Games: The Allocation of Renewable Resources Under Different Property Rights and Regulation Schemes". Journal of Economic Education, 33(3):236-53.

Herrmann, M., L. Milner, K. Giraud, M. Skogen Baker, R. Hiser (2002). “German Participation in Alaska Sport Fisheries in 1998”. Alaska Fishery Research Bulletin, 9(1):27–43.

Milner, L. , M. Herrmann, K. Giraud, M. Skogen Baker, R. Hiser (2002) “International Sport Fishing: The Case of the German Angler in Alaska”. Tourism Analysis, 7(4).

Giraud, Kelly, John Loomis and Joseph Cooper (2001). "A Comparison of Willingness to Pay Estimation Techniques From Referendum Questions: Application to Endangered Fish". Environmental and Resource Economics, 20(4):331-346.

Giraud, Kelly and Mark Herrmann (2001). "An Investigation Into Travel Cost Metrics". Northwest Journal of Business and Economics, 2001 Edition:81-91.

Giraud, Kelly (2001). "Demand Analysis and Visitor Preferences for the Chena River Recreation Area, Alaska". Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 19(2):98-112.

Courses Taught

  • CEP 508: Applied Community Development
  • CEP 672: Fundamentals of Real Estate
  • EREC 411: Envrnmntl&Res Econ Perspectves
  • EREC 572: Intro to Natural Resource Econ
  • EREC 606: Land Economics Perspectives
  • EREC 795W: Investigations
  • EREC/RECO 708/808: Environmental Economics
  • NR 600: Work Experience
  • NR 724: Resolving Environmtl Conflicts
  • NR 824: Resolv Environmental Conflicts


  • Ph.D., Agricultural and Resource Economics, Colorado State University
  • M.S., Agricultural and Resource Economics, West Virginia University
  • B.A., Economics, Ithaca College

Selected Publications

  • Nepal, N., Steltzer, E., Bohara, A. K., & Cullen, K. (2018). Public values on offshore wind farm. ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS AND POLICY STUDIES, 20(1), 225-240. doi:10.1007/s10018-017-0191-8

  • Gudding, P., Kipperberg, G., Bond, C., Cullen, K., & Steltzer, E. (2018). When a Good Is a Bad (or a Bad Is a Good)-Analysis of Data from an Ambiguous Nonmarket Valuation Setting. SUSTAINABILITY, 10(1). doi:10.3390/su10010208

  • Hamdan, O., Bond, C. A., & Giraud, K. (2009). "Consumer Willingness to Pay for Locally Made Specialty Food in New Hampshire: Effects of Promotional and Local Branding Programs.". In JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND RESOURCE ECONOMICS Vol. 34 (pp. 548). Retrieved from

  • Bond, C. A., Cullen, K. G., & Larson, D. M. (2009). Joint estimation of discount rates and willingness to pay for public goods. ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS, 68(11), 2751-2759. doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2009.06.006

  • Johnston, R., & Giraud, K. L. (2008). Public Input in Rural Land Preservation: Modeling Preference Asymmetries In Stated Preference Data. In P. Schaffer (Ed.), Commodity Modeling and Pricing Methods for Analyzing Resource Market Behavior. John Wiley & Sons.

  • Poe, G. L., Giraud, K. L., & Loomis, J. B. (2005). Computational methods for measuring the difference of empirical distributions. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS, 87(2), 353-365. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8276.2005.00727.x

  • Giraud, K., Turcin, B., Loomis, J., & Cooper, J. (2002). Economic benefit of the protection program for the Steller sea lion. MARINE POLICY, 26(6), 451-458. doi:10.1016/S0308-597X(02)00025-8

  • Giraud, K. L., Loomis, J. B., & Cooper, J. C. (2001). A comparison of willingness to pay estimation techniques from referendum questions - Application to endangered fish. ENVIRONMENTAL & RESOURCE ECONOMICS, 20(4), 331-346. doi:10.1023/A:1013025120987

  • Giraud, K. L., Loomis, J. B., & Cooper, J. C. (2001). A Comparison of Willingness to Pay Estimation Techniques From Referendum Questions. Environmental and Resource Economics, 20(4), 331-346. doi:10.1023/a:1013025120987

  • Giraud, K. L., Loomis, J. B., & Johnson, R. L. (1999). Internal and external scope in willingness-to-pay estimates for threatened and endangered wildlife. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 56(3), 221-229. doi:10.1006/jema.1999.0277

  • Most Cited Publications