Center for Sustainable Seafood Systems

Center for Sustainable Seafood Systems
Two people on aquaculture structure with boat.

Our mission is to apply sound science and engineering practices to seafood production in ways that:

Provide educational opportunities and skills to our future US workforce, Innovate seafood technologies and practices through interdisciplinary research, Collaborate with industry and other partners to promote responsible seafood, Communicate our findings to benefit communities, the environment, and society.

  Looking for delicious and locally-raised seafood? Help support our Center for Sustainable Seafood Systems by purchasing  smoked Steelhead trout from our offshore aquaculture training platform! Our responsibly-grown trout are raised offshore with blue mussels and sugar kelp in UNH's multi-trophic AquaFort and smoked by Boston Smoked Fish Co. with a mouthwatering mixture of brown sugar, tamari, salt, and other spices. 

Orders can be placed below and picked up at Jere A. Chase Ocean Engineering Lab in Durham, NH or the Judd Gregg Marine Research Complex in New Castle, NH.

Order Here

Photo of woman holding a large steelhead trout on a boat at sea.

Shaelin Wood, NH Sea Grant Doyle Fellow pictured holding an 11.8 lb steelhead trout. The trout was raised at the CSSS AquaFort integrated multi-trophic farm.

Shaelin spent her Fellowship working in the field with the CSSS team, as well as engaging educators and visitors at the Seacoast Science Center with aquaculture education.

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Color logo of Aquaculture Information Exchange.
Arial view of marine complex by the ocean.


From Durham, NH to the NH seacoast, UNH has five research facilities well-equipped to support sustainable seafood systems

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Oysters in someone's hand in a boat on the water


Researchers at UNH are involved in various multidisciplanary projects from aquaculture to sustainable fisheries

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Image of man holding fish net with shrimp inside.


UNH is spreading the word about how Aquaculture benefits people, our economy, and the environment

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