The Judd Gregg Marine Research Complex (Marine Complex), located 15 miles from the Durham campus at the mouth of Portsmouth Harbor in New Castle, N.H., supports research, education, and outreach in all aspects of marine biology, oceanography, and ocean engineering, with particular emphasis on marine biology and ecology, aquaculture, acoustics and ocean mapping, invasive species, autonomous surface vehicle research (ASV), ocean acidification, and renewable energy.
The Marine Complex includes the Coastal Marine Laboratory (CML), the Marine Research Pier, the Pier Operations Facility, and the Pavilion. UNH faculty travel to the Marine Complex, which has a resident support staff, including boat captains and crew. Graduate and undergraduate students pursue thesis work and participate in faculty research there. The Marine Complex gives faculty and students access to the full-strength sea water Coastal Marine Laboratory, the mouth of the Great Bay Estuary, and the open waters of the Gulf of Maine.
David Shay, Assistant Director for Marine Facilities and Operations
Email: dave.shay@unh.edu
Phone: (603) 862-5127
Nate Rennels, Supervisor, Laboratory Technical Services
Email: nate.rennels@unh.edu
Phone: (603) 430-0035
29 Wentworth Road
New Castle, NH 03854
The Coastal Marine Lab (CML), located in the former Mine (Torpedo) Storehouse beside historic Fort Constitution, is a year-round, marine, laboratory facility with wet and dry lab infrastructure for faculty, graduate, and undergraduate student research projects. The wet lab, with full strength seawater capabilities, ultraviolet filtration systems, and a variety of supporting infrastructure including both flow-through and recirculating systems, contains tanks ranging from 3 L to 1600 L. The dry lab has several workstations, compound and dissecting microscopes with supporting camera and imaging software, balances, desiccators, and miscellaneous lab supplies. Mesocosms also are maintained outside under the Marine Research Pier. Numerous cold-water, marine species have been studied and cultured at the Coastal Marine Laboratory, including a diverse array of finfish, crustaceans, echinoderms, bivalves, gastropods, micro- and macro-algae, and zooplankton. Ocean acidification research has been supported through a seawater and atmospheric monitoring system in the CML that has been measuring changes in water chemistry since 2008.
The Marine Research Pier is a 325-foot pier with fixed and floating docks which provides essential berth space for the UNH fleet as well as for NOAA's hydrographic research vessel, the Ferdinand R. Hassler. Shore support also is provided at the Pier for the Shoals Marine Laboratory and its vessels and for NH Sea Grant’s Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture research. The Pier is outfitted with a 3-ton capacity crane and experimental enclosures are located under the fixed pier.
The Pier Operations Facility encompasses offices and a conference room, specialized fabrication and repair areas, storage space, and equipment for pier and lab activities, including a 3-ton capacity forklift for materials handling. The facility contains space for the UNH diving program, including an air compressor room, SCUBA fill station, lockers, and showers for UNH research and student divers.
The conference room located in the Pier Operations Facility is available for use to UNH departments and partners. The room will comfortably seat 12-15 people and is equipment with a projector. Please contact Nate Rennels for availability.

The Marine Complex has a waterfront, fair-weather Pavilion, ideal for small gatherings. Pavilion reservations and usage
Tours of the Judd Gregg Marine Science Complex, including the Coastal Marine Laboratory, can be scheduled by contacting Nate Rennels.
FROM THE WEST: Take 101 East to Stratham to the 108 North Exit. Turn left at the light at the bottom of the ramp onto Route 108 North to the Stratham Circle, and then take Route 33 East.
(*) Continue on Route 33 approximately one mile. On your right hand side you will see Calvary Cemetery. Turn right at the stop light onto Peverly Hill Road. Go approximately one mile to Route One. Market Basket will be on your right. Proceed across Route One (go straight) onto Elwyn Road.
(**) Follow Elwyn Road 1 ¼ mile to Foyes Corner (round about) and proceed ¾ of the way around onto Sagamore Road (1A). Go for approximately ½ mile to Wentworth Road (1B). Turn right onto Wentworth Road (1B). Pass the Wentworth by the Sea Golf Course on your right hand side. Continue on past Little Harbor, the marina and the “Wentworth by the Sea” hotel for approximately 1 mile. At this point the main road takes a sharp 90 degree turn to the left - GO STRAIGHT. You will see signs for Fort Constitution and the Coast Guard. Turn right at the Large Coast Guard sign. Please note: The speed limit in New Castle is 25 mph and is enforced.
FROM THE SOUTH: Route 95N, Exit 3 (Route 33, Portsmouth) go right off the Exit and follow directions above from the (*).
FROM THE NORTH: Route 95S Exit 5, Portsmouth Circle. Take Route 1 South out of the Portsmouth Circle. When you reach the lights with a strip mall and Market Basket on the right, turn left onto Elwyn Road and follow directions above from (**).
Assistant Director for Marine Facilities and Operations, School of Marine Science and Ocean Engineering